Monday 1 June 2015

organic chemistry in our daily life

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds, which extends to understanding chemical reactions in living organisms and products that are derived from them. There are numerous examples of organic chemistry in the world around you:

  1. Polymers
    Polymers consist of long chains and branches of molecules. Common polymers you encounter every day are organic molecules. Examples include nylon, acrylic, PVC, polycarbonate, cellulose, and polyethylene.
  1. Petrochemicals
    Petrochemicals are chemicals derived from crude oil or petroleum. Fractional distillation separates the raw material into organic compounds according to their different boiling points. You encounter products made from petrochemicals every day. Examples include gasoline, plastics, detergents, dyes, food additives, natural gas, and medicines.
  2. Soaps and Detergents
    Although both are used for cleaning, soap and detergent are two different examples of organic chemistry. Soap is made by the saponification reaction, which reacts a hydroxide with an organic molecule (e.g., an animal fat) to produce glycerol and crude soap. While soap is an emulsifier, detergents tackle oily, greasy (organic) soiling mainly because they are surfactants. 
  3. Perfume
    Whether a fragrance comes from a flower or a lab, the molecules you smell and enjoy are an example of organic chemistry.
  4. Cosmetics
    The cosmetic industry is a lucrative sector of organic chemistry. Chemists examine changes in the skin in response to metabolic and environmental factors, formulate products to address skin problems and enhance beauty, and analyze how cosmetics interact with the skin and other products.
Examples of Common Organic Chemicals
  • shampoo
  • gasoline
  • perfume
  • lotion
  • drugs
  • food and food additives
  • plastics
  • paper
  • insect repellent
  • synthetic fabrics (nylon, polyester, rayon)
  • paint
  • moth balls (naphthalene)
  • enzymes
  • nail polish remover
  • wood
  • coal
  • natural gas
  • solvents
  • fertilizers
  • vitamins
  • dyes
  • soap
  • candles
  • asphalt

What are the effects Organic chemicals in cosmetics?
In  our world today, organic chemistry is of vital importance  to the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, textile and cosmetic industries  where  a prime concern is the synthesis of new  organic molecules and polymers. They are various  ways in which organic chemistry is playing  a part   in our daily  lives. But we are going to focus on how  organic chemicals have been used  to produce various substances  which are used  on our bodies, known as cosmetics.

What are cosmetics? 

 By definition, cosmetics are body care substances  that  used to enhance  the appearance  or odour of  the human body. They are generally mixture of chemicals compounds  of which some of them are derived while  some are synthetic.

In the cosmetic industry, they make use  of various synthetic chemicals to produce various forms of cosmetic products such as body lotion,  shampoo, shaving cream, etc. it  is  important to note that most of these substances are also  used  in industrial manufacturing  processes  to  clean  industrial equipment, stabilize  pesticides,  and grease gears. 

In most developing countries and most especially  in the United States, major gaps in the Federal law allow the cosmetic industry to put  thousands of synthetic chemicals into personal care products even  if those chemicals  are linked to cancer,  infertility of birth defect. As a result of this, it has led to an increased rate of breast cancer incidence since  untested  chemicals have now been introduced steadily into our  environment.

Effect of organic chemicals  in cosmetics  on our bodies?

Most organic chemicals  found in cosmetics are  very good for  our bodies some  of the are safe cosmetics while some of them are  considered  toxic and hazardous to our bodies as well as our environment.  However prolonged use  of cosmetics also  cause damage to our bodies too. 

In the table below are some group of chemicals mostly found in found  in cosmetics, their uses  and their side effects.

Organic chemicals 
Health hazards
1.      1. Butyl acetate
It is used in producing nail straighteners and nail polishes 
Its vapour may cause dizziness or drowsiness.  Excess usage causes the skin to  crack  and become   dry.
2.  butylated hydroxotoulene 
It act as antioxidant which helps to slow the rate at which  a  product changes colour over time, 
It may cause   skin and eye irritation.
3. Formaldehyde
It used as  a disinfectant  and preservative  in a variety  of products such as soaps, deodorant, shaving cream,  adhesive, shampoo, nail polish
It causes multiple health concerns such as cancer,  immune system damage,  genetic damage, triggering asthma and eye irritation
4. Diethanolamine  (DEA)
It is used as  emulsifiers and foaming agents  in  products  such as shampoos, shaving creams, moisturizers, and baby  washes.
It can  acts as a carcinogen because it can be  absorbed  into the body through the skin
It disrupts the hormone in the body.
5. Coal  tar
It dissolves  dead skin cells ,  it is used to control itching and scaling  in the body. 
It is a human carcinogen  which could cause cancer.
It is found in nail polish and hair dye, it  acts as  a solvent to improve adhesion  and add  gloss.
It causes  reproductive and developmental damage,
It can be carcinogenic  and it also causes  liver and  kidney damage. 
7. Lead  acetate
It  used in making toothpaste , it is also added as  an ingredient in some  lipsticks  and   men’s hair dye
Prolonged  use of product contain   this substance causes  brain damage and developmental delays even at extremely low concentration.
8. Phthalates
It is used to keep  colour and scent  dissolved  in nail polish , perfume ,  hair spray and  others.
It causes  low sperm count in male, genital birth defects,  it also reduces  female fertility



Alcohol actually is a organic compound contain hydroxyl group(OH) bond with carbon in chemistry .The general formula of alcohol is CnH2n+1 OH .In general, the hydroxyl group makes alcohol molecule polar. The hydrogen bond in the alcohol means it can soluble into the water . However, there are two opposing solubility in alcohol which the hydroxyl group tend to soluble in water and carbon chain resist to soluble in water. Thus , methanol, ethanol and propanol are miscible in water . Butanol is moderately soluble in water as the trends in this molecule is same . The alcohol contain five and more carbon are insoluble in water as the carbon chain has became the dominance in the molecule. The alcohol have higher boiling point than hydrocarbon because it contain hydrogen bonds. The boiling point of ethanol is 78.29 °C ,while the boiling point of hexane just 69 °C.

History of alcohol

From past until today, alcohol is a product that has provided a variety of functions for people throughout all history. Historically, alcoholic beverages have served as sources of needed nutrients and have been widely used for medical, antiseptic, analgesic and most importantly it has become one of the most important drinks in the world. The word “alcohol” appears in English as a term for a very fine powder in the 16th century. It was borrowed from French, which took it from medical Latin. In the early of Egyptian civilization, there is evidence of an early alcoholic drinks in China around 7000 B.C. On the other hand, in India , an alcoholic beverage called sura, distilled from rice, was in use between 3000 and 2000 B.C.

Preparation of alcohol

The preparation of alcohol can undergo hydration of alkenes, reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones  and reduction of carboxylic acid .Also,       there are a process called fermentation in biological routes . Many other alcohols can be made this way, but are more likely to be produced by synthetic routes - from natural gas, oil or coal. When yeast ferments, it breaks down the glucose (C6H12O6) into exactly two molecules of ethanol (CH3CH2OH) and two molecules ofcarbon dioxide (CO2). 


Ethanol fermentation (performed by yeast and some types of bacteria) breaks the pyruvate down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. It is important in bread-making, brewing, and wine-making. Usually only one of the products is desired; in bread-making, the alcohol is baked out, and, in alcohol production, the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere or used for carbonating the beverage. When the ferment has a high concentration of pectin, minute quantities of methanol can be produced. To make it simple, yeast eats sugar and makes alcohol and CO2. 
Reaction of alcohol

1) Alcohol can undergo dehydration reaction to give out  alkene and water .

For example: Ethanol undergo dehydration to form ethylene and water .
2) Alcohols can also undergo oxidation to give aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids.


3) Alcohol and react with carboxylic acid to form ester through the Esterification reaction. 



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